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60 total results found

Node Installation

Main Network Source Chain

Minumum Requirements 4 or more physical CPU cores. At least 100 GB of SSD disk storage. At least 8 GB of memory (RAM). At least 50 mbps network bandwidth.   Custom Configuration (optional) Custom use...

Create Validator

Main Network Source Chain

Wallet Create Wallet To create new wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. sourced keys add wallet Recover Wallet To recover wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. sourced keys add wallet --recover To see current keys sourced keys list ...

Create Validator

Main Network Decentr

Wallet Create Wallet To create new wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. decentrd keys add wallet Recover Wallet To recover wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. decentrd keys add wallet --recover To see current keys decentrd keys lis...

CLI Cheatsheet

Main Network Source Chain

Key management Add New Key sourced keys add wallet Recover Existing Key sourced keys add wallet --recover List All Keys sourced keys list Delete Key sourced keys delete wallet Export Key to File sourced keys export wallet Import Key From File sou...

Node Installation

Main Network SGE Network

Minumum Requirements 4 or more physical CPU cores. At least 100 GB of SSD disk storage. At least 8 GB of memory (RAM). At least 50 mbps network bandwidth.   Custom Configuration (optional) Custom user s...

Create Validator

Main Network SGE Network

Wallet Create Wallet To create new wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. sged keys add wallet Recover Wallet To recover wallet use, change wallet to your wallet name. sged keys add wallet --recover To see current keys sged keys list Creat...


Cosmos Prune

Installing GO cd $HOME sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \ curl -Ls | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/local && \ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile && \ source $HOME/.bash_profil...

Forwarding Port From Public to

Additional Settings

Enable eth0 route localnet replace eth0 with your own public interface sudo sed -i '/net.ipv4.conf.eth0.route_localnet/d' /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sed -i -e '$anet.ipv4.conf.eth0.route_localnet=1' /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p Create Firewall Script sudo ...



    Custom Configuration (optional) Custom user sudo adduser namada sudo adduser namada sudo su - namada Custom Port  PORT=36 echo "export PORT=${PORT}" >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile ...

Resize Image


Resize Image ex: lxc 104 pct list pct stop 104 e2fsck -fy /var/lib/vz/images/104/vm-104-disk-0.raw resize2fs /var/lib/vz/images/104/vm-104-disk-0.raw 40G lvreduce -L 40G /var/lib/vz/images/104/vm-104-disk-0.raw   edit configuration file nano /etc/pv...


Additional Settings

MASQUERADE Checking NAT iptables -t nat -v -L POSTROUTING Adding Masquerade iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE PREROUTING prerouting use for pointing  internet port to local ip address and port Checking Prerouting sudo iptables -t nat -v -L...

Installation Prover


Set Up Node Installing Rust curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh Start by cloning this GitHub repository: git clone --branch mainnet --single-branch Next, move into the snarkOS directory...


Test Network Allora

Allora Network Point Program Create a new wallet in Keplr Connect to the on-chain Point Program Dashboard In Campaigns tab you see 2 tasks, Check them In the tutorial we run a Price Prediction Worker with topic 1 (Predicting ETH price e...

Installation for VPS


Install Update sudo apt -q update sudo apt -qy upgrade Installing Podman and Wireguard sudo apt-get -y install podman sudo apt install wireguard   Download binaries curl -skSL --retry 3



# Add Docker's official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/k...